Holiday Wish List 2017
I saw one of my friends doing this and LOVED the idea. It just looked like so much fun to put together and find fun reading things to wish for. These items are just "dreams", but a girl can dream, right... :) First, let's start with my favorite things ever....BOOKS! Dear Martin by: Nic Stone If Angie Thomas, author of The Hate U Give, says it's a "must read", it must be a "must read"! Things I'm Seeing Without You by: Peter Bognanni I'm a sucker for a heart-wrenching contemporary young adult novel! It sounds really good and has awesome ratings! The Sun and Her Flowers by: Rupi Kaur I sincerely enjoyed and quickly devoured Milk and Honey after finding it on Amazon Prime Reading for free. I downloaded it just because it was there to read, but I am so glad I read it. I walked away from it feeling empowered and would love to learn more from this talented author. The Whole Thing Together by: Ann Brash...