A List of Cages
I finished A List of Cages a few days ago and have needed some time to process what I read. I was not prepared for the emotional toll this book took on me (I read it as a "fun" book, forewarning, it's not a "fun" book) nor for the overwhelmingly lasting feelings it left me with. I gave this book 5 stars on Goodreads. Not because it was the best book I ever read, but because of the things it made me feel and because of how many times I had to take a second while reading to process what I just read. I cry easily, always have, but this book didn't just make me cry...I sobbed...uncontrollable, ugly, hysterical sobs. I cannot recall the last time a book did that to me.
Maybe it's because of my past and maybe it's because I imagined the main character as some of my students, but this book was heart-wrenching.
A List of Cages reminded me that my own students are carrying around this iceberg with them. Most of these students will only show me the very tip of this iceberg, the rest remains under water and uncovered. Somedays I wonder WHY WON'T (student's name) JUST DO THEIR WORK?! or WHY CAN'T THEY JUST BE RESPECTFUL? or IF THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL, LET ME HELP YOU!
This book reminded me that unless a student wants to allow you to know the parts of their iceberg that are underwater that you will have no idea what that child is truly going through. Not just what they go through when they leave the "safety" of your classroom, but the things they carry with them all day while at school. When I talk about the iceberg, the parts that are uncovered are the parts that you do not know and cannot see. The emotionally taxing parts that they constantly carry around.
I do not even know how to efficiently and effectively summarize this book without giving away too much.
I will just say...READ IT! If you have ever been around a child in the foster care system, READ IT! If you have ever been around a child who may seem like things aren't right (go with your gut when you think this), READ IT! If you are an educator, READ IT! Basically, just READ IT!
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