I will never be satisified until I read this book...
hahahah if you are a Hamilton fanatic, like myself, you will understand the joke.
Okay, so I fully realize that I am totally late to board onto this Hamilton Musical hype-train, but here I am boarding!! Actually, I boarded that train about a month ago when I downloaded the soundtrack and basically have not stopped listening to it since. I have become OBSESSED! My brain is full of Hamilton lyrics...
Now, to my point.
Today, when I get home, I will have delivered
by: MELISSA DE LA CRUZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since boarding the obsession Hamilton train, I have been pumped for this book to finally reach my doorstep.
I cannot wait to read the story of these two amazing people, Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth (Schuyler) Hamilton, and to find out more about their background and their love story.

(and I'm not willing to wait for it)
Melissa de la Cruz is bringing to life the story of one of the couples that helped shape America. Melissa de la Cruz was inspired to write this book after seeing the musical on Broadway. She then did a lot of research and read many history books to keep as close to possible to the true story of Alex and Eliza. She also stated that she wanted to "bring that domestic moment to life in the book" and compared it to a "Jane Austen retelling". Melissa is also quoted explaining Hamilton as, "He was a man in love, totally smitten". As I prepare for my own wedding and have all these butterfly feelings of excitement, I can't help but want to read a love story such as this.
When asked what inspired her to write the book, Cruz responded:
"I am a sucker for the popular girl-poor boy love story trope, from Reality Bites to Moulin Rogue. And I had always had a soft spot for Elizabeth Schuyler, whom I used in my Blue Bloods vampire books as well: my heroine Schuyler Van Alen is named after her. After we saw Hamilton, my 10-year-old daughter was obsessed with Eliza, and it was her keen interest in Alex and Eliza’s story that led me to thinking that there was something more I wanted to discover about the subject. I was originally just doing the research to answer my daughter’s questions, but I got caught up in it as well. I loved the story of the poverty-stricken colonel and his beautiful bride from the most prestigious family in the Colonies. I just swooned to their love story." -xoxo Mel
As a I read through the interview with Melissa de la Cruz, there is one thing I am disappointed about. Angelica Schuyler is barely included into this story. I love Angelica's role throughout the musical and her witty-behaviors. I also enjoyed the plot twist of her love for Alexander. However, Cruz did not see it that way. She explains her feelings on Angelica as, " interpretation is that while she enjoyed her friendship with Alex, she would never have traded her cushy life to be the wife of someone so impoverished. She was very much a worldly and sophisticated older sister." She continues on to compare her book to "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott, which I also found to be interesting since I have not made this connection previously, but it makes SOOOO much sense!
All of the quotes from Melissa de la Cruz came directly from an interview I found with her on Entertainment!
This interview made me even more stoked to devour this novel.
So I have some WORK to do tonight as I dive into this amazing novel!!! I cannot wait to share my thoughts with all of you!

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