Alex & Eliza: A Love Story

As a fellow Hamilton Musical Lover, when I heard that this book was coming out, I was ecstatic! I pre-ordered this book months before it came out and couldn't wait for the day it arrived on my doorstep (see previous blog post about this book).
What I expected out of this book and what I got were completely different. I based my thoughts off of the part of the title that said, "A Love Story". I felt that the majority of the book was history-based and was about their lives prior to being together. I wanted to know more about their married life together.
It just felt long. It was one of those books that I had to force myself to actually sit down and read instead of one that I couldn't put down. I found myself skimming often times hoping that I would get to a good part or finish it sooner, but no avail. Alex and Eliza's official wedding and time that they are together doesn't come until the second to last chapter. Up until that point, the story mostly follows their lives prior to each other and separately. I just felt bored throughout reading it, which was so disappointing because I bragged to all my students about it and they were all so excited, too. I feel that it could have been better written by following their actual love story and focusing more on them as a couple or Melissa de la Cruz could have titled it something other than "A Love Story".
One of the things that I thought was cool throughout the book was when Melissa de la Cruz would use song titles or lyrics from the musical as the chapter titles. It made me smile each time she did.
Overall, it wasn't the worst book I've ever read and some others may really enjoy it. I think I just went into reading it with the expectation that it would be about their love story together and that is not what I got until the final few pages...
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